PROTOform Crosshair Body Mounting Kit

PROTOform Crosshair Body Mounting Kit

15 cm
10 cm
2 cm
0.05 Kg
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Have you ever painted up a killer race body, only to botch the mounting job by aligning it off-center, crooked, or too far forward or back on your chassis? Everyone has done this at least once. 

34,04 €
 Não há produtos suficientes em stock
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Informações Técnicas

Have you ever painted up a killer race body, only to botch the mounting job by aligning it off-center, crooked, or too far forward or back on your chassis? Everyone has done this at least once. That's why the guys at PROTOform developed the PROTOform Crosshair Body Mounting Kit! The PROTOform Crosshair Body Mounting Kit uses high-powered magnets to pinpoint the exact position of your car’s body posts. This simple but effective system is designed to make it easier to get your race body mounted up just the way you want it.


Ficha informativa

15 cm
10 cm
2 cm
0.05 Kg

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